Click to enlargeScour Bos 9


Rotavirus, Coronavirus, Clostridium perfringens Type C, and K99 E. coli. Vaccinate pregnant cattle to provide scour protection to calves through the colostrum. Give 2 ml IM, 8-16 weeks prior to calving. Booster with (Scour Bos 4) 4 weeks prior to calving. Booster annually with Scour Bos 9 given 8-10 weeks prior to calving.

Shake well before using. Administer 2 mL intramuscularly in the neck 8-16 weeks prior to calving. Revaccinate with (Scour Bos 4) 4 weeks prior to calving. Revaccinate with one dose of (Scour Bos 9) 8-10 weeks prior to each subsequent calving. Store out of direct sunlight at 2°-8° C (35°-46° F). See Replacement Product - ScourGuard 4 (K)/C

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Scour Bos 9  -  10 doseScour Bos 9 - 10 dose ON BACKORDER

Scour Bos 9  -  50 doseScour Bos 9 - 50 dose ON BACKORDER

ScourGuard 4 (K)/C ScourGuard 4 (K)/C ZOETIS

ScourGuard 4 (K)/C - 10 dose
ScourGuard 4 (K)/C - 50 dose

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