VamPyre Misting Concentrate by MGK is a misting concentrate for misting systems. VamPyre is formulated with a 3% Pyrethrum and 30% PBO mixture. This combination provides a great quick knockdown elimination and long-term stability in water dilutions.
Use Sites :
Animal Premise, Food-Handling, Grain Elevator/Bin, Indoor, Outdoor, Over or On Animal, Perimeter
VamPyreŽ Misting Concentrate delivers unparalleled long-term stability in water dilutions making it ideal for hard-to-kill flies, lice, mites and other insects that endanger your livestock and reduce production. Containing pyrethrins, a botanically based insecticide, VamPyreŽ flushes insects from hiding and helps control pests affecting livestock.
See replacement product - Riptide Pyrethrin
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