Click to enlargeCyLence Ultra Premise Spray


CyLence Ultra Premise Spray is a general surface, spot, mist, or crack & crevice sprays for use in & around animal facilities, outbuildings, & sheds. CyLence Ultra Premise Spray is an effective broad spectrum insecticide controls crawling, flying and wood-infesting pests, including more than 60 different pests such as flies, ants, fleas, ticks and spiders. For use in and around livestock premises, barns, stables and other animal facilities, indoors or outdoors. Active ingredient distributes evenly during application and stays in suspension without re-agitation. Contains 11.8% beta-cyfluthrin. Mix 32 ml concentrate in 2 gallons water; 2 gallon spray treats 2,000 sq ft. Can reapply at 10-day intervals if necessary.

16 mL per gallon of water to treat 1,000 sq. ft. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


CyLence Ultra Premise Spray  -  240 mLCyLence Ultra Premise Spray - 240 mL

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