Click to enlargeScarlet Oil Topical Antiseptic


A topical dressing for simple wounds, cuts and abrasions on horses and mules.
Ingredient(s): Mineral Oil, Isopropyl Alcohol (32.1% v/v), Pine Oil, Benzyl Alcohol (2.4% v/v), Oil of Eucalyptus, Methyl Salicylate, Parachlorometaxylenol, and Biebrich Scarlet.

Clean the affected area, clipping hair if necessary. Direct spray at the site to be treated. Hold container 4 to 6 inches from animal. Apply freely as an open wound treatment or wrap with a clean bandage. Treatment may be applied once or twice daily.

HAZERDOUS ITEM $30.00 PER 4 GAL CASE ADDED TO INVOICE Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


Scarlet Oil Topical Antiseptic    -    gallonScarlet Oil Topical Antiseptic - gallon HAZERDOUS ITEM $30.00 PER 1 to 4 GAL CASE ADDED TO INVOICE


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