Click to enlargeRumensin 90 (Monensin) Type A Medicated Article


Rumensin 90 is for increased feed effieniency in slaughter cattle & reproducing beef cattle. It also prevents and controls coccdiosis.

CAUTION: Do not allow horses or other equines access to feeds containing monensin. Ingestion of monensin by horses has been fatal. Monensin medicated cattle and goat feeds are safe for use in cattle and goats only. Consumption by unapproved species may result in toxic reactions. Feeding undiluted or mixing errors resulting in high concentrations of monensin has been fatal to cattle and could be fatal to goats. Must be thoroughly mixed in feeds before use. Do not exceed the levels of monensin recommended in the feeding directions as reduced average daily gains may result. Do not feed to lactating goats. If feed refusals containing monensin are fed to other groups of cattle, the concentration of monensin in the refusals and amount of refusals fed should be taken into consideration to prevent monensin overdosing.

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Rumensin 90 (Monensin) Type A Medicated Article  -  55 lbs bagRumensin 90 (Monensin) Type A Medicated Article - 55 lbs bag

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