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Revalor-XH is the Heifer-Only Feedlot Implant  <b> <span style=color:#F50000;">  NO SCRIPT NEEDED !   </b> </span>


200 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg estradiol

Description Revalor-XH is indicated for increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency for up to 200 days after implantation in beef heifers fed in confinement for slaughter. Each extended-release implant contains 200 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg estradiol in six coated and four uncoated pellets, each containing 20 mg trenbolone acetate and 2 mg estradiol. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


Revalor-XH  -  100 dose  - is the Heifer-Only Feedlot Implant  <b> <span s<b> <span style=color:#F50000;">  NO SCRIPT NEEDED !   Revalor-XH - 100 dose - is the Heifer-Only Feedlot Implant NO SCRIPT NEEDED !

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