Indication :
black flies | face flies | gulf coast ticks | horn flies | house flies | lice | small horse flies | spinose ear ticks | stable flies
Active Ingredient
piperonyl butoxide | zetacypermethrin
Description :
A powerful pyrethroid tag containing a unique, synergized formulation of 10% zeta-cypermethrin and 20% piperonyl butoxide. Provides rapid, almost immediate pest knockdown. At one tag per head, controls hornflies for 3 to 4 months and up to 5 months with two tags per head. Controls face flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks for 4 to 5 months with two tags per head. Aids in control of face flies with one tag per head. Aids in control of stable flies, black flies, house flies, and small horse flies for up to 5 months. Weighs 9.5 grams and can be applied to all beef and dairy animals, even newborn calves. PYthon® is ideal for rotation with WARRIOR™ or other organophosphate tags to manage horn fly resistance to insecticides.
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