Click to enlargeOrganic Iodine


For routine nutritional iodine supplementation in multiple species, this product may be fed to cattle for the treatment and prevention of foot rot and ringworm. It also aids in correcting nutritional deficiencies when the use of iodine is indicated.

Species: Beef and dairy cattle, calves, swine, horses, goats and poultry

Cattle Dosages: Mix thoroughly with ration to provide 10 mg per head per day.

For ringworm: Mix one lb of organic iodine into one ton of total ration or mix 0.5 lb into 50 lbs of free choice minerals.

For footrot: Mix 2 lbs organic iodine into first ton of feed.

Sheep dosage: Mix 0.2 lbs of organic iodine into 100 lbs salt. Offer mixture as sole source of free choice salt OR mix at the rate of 10 lbs organic iodine per ton of complete feed.

Swine/poultry dosage: Mix 0.2 lbs of organic iodine with 100 lbs of salt. Replace salt component in complete feed with this mixture. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


25 lb pail25 lb pail

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