Click to enlargeNFZ Puffer


Treats surface wounds, cuts and abrasions, eye and ear infections in dogs and cats. Contains germ-killing nitrofurazone in a water soluble powder. Easy-to-use "squeeze" bottle.

FOR EYE INFECTIONS IN DOGS AND CATS - remove cap and squeeze container to force a stream of powder directly into the eye. Repeat treatment daily. If there is no improvement after 4 days a new diagnosis should be made or a veterinarian consulted.

FOR EAR INFECTIONS IN DOGS AND CATS - clean out inside of ear and ear canal with a cotton pledget. Prepared cotton swabs which may be obtained at any drug store are best for cleaning out the ear canal. Insert nozzle of container into ear canal and squeeze twice. Repeat daily until improvement is noted.

FOR SURFACE WOUNDS, CUTS AND ABRASIONS - Apply daily until danger from infection is eliminated or until healing takes place.

Store at controlled room temperature between 20°C-25°C (68°F-77°F) and protect from light. Avoid excessive heat (104°F). Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


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