Click to enlargeNeomix 325 (Soluble Powder)



A soluble powder used for the treatment and control of colibacillosis (bacterial enteritis) caused by Escherichia coli.

10 mg of Neomix 325 per lb. of body weight per day in divided doses for a maximum of 14 days.
Herd Treatment: Each 200-gram bottle treats 14,300 pounds of body weight; each 500-gram bottle treats 35,750 pounds of body weight. Therefore, estimate the total number of pounds in body weight of the animals to be treated. The product should be added to the drinking water that will be consumed in the following 12-24 hours. The medicated water should be the only source of water each day until consumed. Fresh medicated water should be prepared each day.
Individual Treatment: Mix 1 level teaspoon of product in water or milk for each 160 pounds of body weight. Administer daily, either as a drench in divided doses or in the liquid to be consumed in the following 12-24 hours.
200-gram bottle (medicates 256 gallons of drinking water, or 2 gallons of stock solution for proportioners set to meter at a 1/128 dilution). 500-gram bottle (medicates 640 gallons of drinking water, or 5 gallons of stock solution for proportioners set to meter at a 1/128 dilution).

SEE ( Generic ) REPLACEMENT PRODUCT: RX Prescription Required - Please call to order Neomycin 325 Soluble Powder


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