Click to enlargeMaster Guard 10 HB


This product contains BVD Type I and BVD Type II and is recommended for the vaccination of healthy dairy and beef cattle 5 months of age or older, including pregnant cows, as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR), bovine virus diarrhea virus, Type l (BVD), bovine virus diarrhea virus, Type ll (BVD), bovine parainfluenza3 virus (PI3), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo-bovis and Leptospira canicola-grippotyphosa-hardjo-icterohaemorrhagiae-pomona.

DIRECTIONS AND DOSAGE: Rehydrate the desiccated vial of TitaniumŽ 2 with the accompanying vial of Master GuardŽ 8 and shake well. Inject 3 mL subcutaneously or intramuscularly using aseptic technique. Repeat the dose in 14 to 28 days. Annual revaccination is recommended. Store at 35° to 46° F (2° to 8° C). Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


Master Guard 10 HB    -  10 doseMaster Guard 10 HB - 10 dose ON BACKORDER

Master Guard 10 HB    -  50 doseMaster Guard 10 HB - 50 dose ON BACKORDER


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