A Livestock and Premise Insecticide that is a non-restricted use, emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 40% permethrin. Controls most kinds of nuisance pests on livestock and their surroundings including horn flies, face flies, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, ticks, and lice. Also approved for use, as a ground drench, in controlling the imported fire ant and the small hive beetle.
There are no withdrawal times for meat and milk when used on cattle, goats or sheep. Can also be used in and around barns including dairy barns and milking rooms, around stables, loafing sheds, kennels and other outbuildings. Can be used with backrubbers, high and low pressure sprayers, sprinkle cans and dipping vats. It will remain stable for up to one year after diluting with water.
Highly concentrated, 4 fl oz. bottle will treat one of the following:
• 393 cows for control of horn flies, lice and mange.
• 196 hogs for control of lice and mange.
• 2360 chickens for control of mites and lice.
• 13,111 sq. ft. of wall area for control of house flies and other nuisance pests inside livestock premises. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at info@animalhealthusa.com