Click to enlargeFirst Defense Technology 90-Dose Bulk Powder


A USDA- and OMRI-approved bolus containing hyperimmunized colostrum derived antibodies which aid in the reduction of morbidity and mortality from calf scours caused by K99+ E. coli and coronavirus. One bolus administered as soon as possible after birth (within 12 hrs) offers Immediate Immunity™. May be used in certified organic production.

Add one level scoop of powder containing colostrum-derived concentrated whey proteins to newborn calf’s first liquid feeding (ideally mix with fresh/thawed colostrum or a colostrum replacer). Mix until powder is completely dissolved. For best results feed within 12 hours after birth. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


First Defense Technology 90-Dose Bulk Powder  -  375 gmFirst Defense Technology 90-Dose Bulk Powder - 375 gm Available Now


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