Recommended for use in healthy, susceptible, swine, one day of age or older, as an aid in the prevention of salmonellosis.
Administration intranasally or via drinking water.
Safe for pigs one day of age or older.
Single dose administration.
Lyophilized Form – Rehydrate the vaccine by adding the full contents of the accompanying sterile diluent to the vaccine. Shake well and use immediately.
Only the lyophilized form may be administered intranasally using a 2 mL dose for swine 1 day of age or older.
The lyophilized form and the frozen form may be administered via the drinking water. Administer via conventional (open trough or barrel-type tank system) or automatic watering systems equipped with proportioner. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at info@animalhealthusa.com