Active Ingredient
calcium | vitamin D
Cal-Evate Bolus is an oral calcium and vitamin D supplement for freshening cows, with fast and sustained release of calcium.
* Cal-Evate contains two readily available calcium salts
Calcium chloride is very rapidly absorbed
Calcium sulfate provides a sustained release of calcium
*Calcium chloride and calcium sulfate are anionic salts that promote PTH function for optimal absorption
* Cal-Evate has a double waxy triglyceride coating to safely protect the esophagus and for easy swallowing
* Cal-Evate is proven to dissolve quickly in solution, and the bolus dissolves within 30 minutes, making the calcium readily available to the cow
* Vitamin D3 aids in calcium absorption and metabolism
* Manufactured in a GMP+ certified facility Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at