Recommended for vaccination of healthy, susceptible sheep, goats, and cattle against enterotoxemia and tetanus caused by the toxins of Clostridium perfringens Types C and D and Cl tetani. Although Cl perfringens Type B is not a significant problem in the USA, immunity may be provided against the beta and epsilon toxins elaborated by Cl perfringens Type B. This immunity is derived from the combination of Type C (beta) and Type D (epsilon) fractions.
Cattle: Using aseptic technique inject a 5 mL dose Sub-Q. Repeat in 21 to 28 days and once annually.
Sheep and Goats: Using aseptic technique inject a 2 mL dose Sub-Q. Repeat in 21 to 28 days once annually.
Store out of direct sunlight at 35-45 degrees. Avoid freezing, shake well before using & use entire contents when first opened. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at info@animalhealthusa.com