Click to enlargeAqua Source Bio-Yield-LX Yucca Schidigera Extract


Bio-Yield-LX can be added to poultry drinking water to suppress ammonia in the bird's digestive system which reduces the level of ammonia in the poultry house.Bio-Yield-LX can also be sprayed over litter beds to reduce toxic gases and level of ammonia in the litter.

Drinking Water: Mix 2.5 ounces in a two-gallon stock solution and meter at 1/128 or mix 8 ounces per 1000 gallons of water for broilers, turkeys, chickens, layers, ducks, geese, quail and pheasants.

Littler Application: Spray at a rate of 6 oz per 1000 sq ft of house, apply twice a week over the litter until the odor and toxic emissions are reduced to an acceptable level. Use on the litter can be stopped once desired ammonia level and/or odor level has been achieved. To obtain and even product distribution it is recommended to dilute Bio-Yield-LX in water at a ratio of 10 to 1 or as needed. Call toll free 1-800-892-6978 or email us at


Aqua Source Bio-Yield-LX Yucca Schidigera Extract  -  2.5 Gallon @ $191.00Aqua Source Bio-Yield-LX Yucca Schidigera Extract - 2.5 Gallon @ $191.00

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